Friday, January 27, 2012

Zumba Mania

So today I decided to try something new.  Instead of the glorious elliptical, I decided to embrace my significant other's love for all things technological and video-gamey.  We have an XBox 360 with Kinect, and for Christmas, he bought me a Zumba game.

The basic premise is you stand in front of the little video camera and move your body in an attempt to match the moves performed by the digitally rendered "coach" on the game.  This is a good concept, but it missed just a little in execution.  I was ready to just get in there and try it, which was fine, but sometimes it was difficult to follow what the model was doing.  She is monochromatic red, yellow or green (depending on how well you match her moves) on a psychadelic background.  So sometimes moves get lost.  Also, as we have discussed, I am not exactly the "perfect shape" and being rounder than the model, I might do the moves perfectly, and they do not get picked up accurately.

On the other hand, sometimes I just stood there and got it right, and it really is not too punitive.  I have had other rhythm-based games yell at me and make me feel like a left-footed idiot when I cannot contort myself to meet their expectations.  Zumba just keeps encouraging you, and gives you excellent praise when you do manage to get it right.  There is a little meter at the bottom that fills up when you are close to right, and I felt good when I filled all of them and got to the "bonus round." 

Supposedly there is a tutorial function, which can teach you the dance moves, but since I have no idea what they were supposed to be called, I didn't know which ones to learn.  Maybe one day when I have an excess of energy and a lack of other games to play, I might get to that. 

The game had a handy pause function, so when I had to take a short break for water I walked away from the camera and it paused until I came back into range.  Pretty nifty. 

All together, this was not a bad workout.  Sure I am sweaty (more than on the elliptical, I think I can just go on cruise control there for now), and I am positive I looked like a flaming, uncoordinated geek, but it was fun, and the music was different.

I think I will add this to my rotation, so I can keep up the exercise without getting bored.  So on a scale of hideous to 10, I give this an 8.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Back on the Wagon

After a first exciting and fun, then trying and exhausting weekend, I felt the need to recover yesterday.  Saturday I danced my tush off, in heels, which should count for something, except for I consumed the better part of a bottle of wine, so therefore only burned off my indulgence.

Sunday was hell, and no better word applies.  All of my exercise was mental, with emphasis on adrenaline without exertion.  Monday was not much better, as I had not slept well, got home from work early and crashed.  While I did recover, I did not change into exercise gear because I knew if I got started, someone from work would call me.  Plus I was feeling lazy, and this always contributes to inappropriate exercise choices.

So tonight I am back on the wagon, so to speak.  I got back on the elliptical, while watching my exercise buddy do P90X.  He seems to be enjoying it, although it it too intense and painful on my knees.  He started a new video today, and based on the grunts of exertion, it is kicking his butt.

Shape today...still round, but seems to be getting less so in spots.  More cylindrical in places, which I suppose is an improvement.  Outlook for tomorrow...probably some yoga.  I must admit, aside from exercise classes I took in college (oh so many years ago) this is probably the longest I have stuck with any exercise routine.  As I feel more comfortable sustaining effort, I may try Zumba. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dinner for Champions

Well, after that hard-driving workout, I have created a fabulous dinner.  Not as healthy as some would suggest for weight loss, but so awesome it has to be shared:

Hazelnut-Crusted Salmon with Rice and Green Beans with Bacon.

I used hazelnut breading from Trader Joe's (not sure if this is still available, I've had it in my freezer for 10 years).  Dipped the salmon in egg, then rolled in the breading.  Quick fried in a little bit of canola oil until crispy.

Made minute rice, and while that steamed, cooked green beans in a little chopped bacon and butter.  Served over rice with a drizzle of soy sauce, honey, sriachia and rice wine vinegar.


Like I said, not exactly "diet" friendly, but darn tasty to boot.

Week Two...ish

Okay, so I haven't been as consistent as I would like, but I am trying.  I got back on the elliptical today after two days off.  My legs are dying, but I made it through my twenty minutes.  Maybe I will get brave and step on the scale...or maybe not.  Still terrified of that number, and what it means.  Maybe in a couple of weeks...after I have fallen out of my clothes.  That sounds good.

Anyways, after the plantar fascitis fiasco, haven't hit the Tae Bo like I needed to, but have done some yoga.  While I used to teach it, it's amazing how much I have regressed in the past few years.  So back to work on my form and balance.  I used to be a stately tree, holding steady in the most delicately balanced postures.  Now I am a wobbly stick, falling over at the first opportunity.  It sucks getting old and round.

Back to the elliptical, I think I am going to try speeding up my pace a little, at least for short bursts.  The significant other suggested leaning forward and working on my toes.  Think that will wait for another week.

On that as well, I need suggestions for a workout mix.  I have my Slacker set to the 90's alternative station, which generally works pretty good, but I am looking for some alternatives to keep me interested.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 4 or 5

Well, so far so good.  I figured out that my plantar fasciaitis still kicks in when I do kickboxing, so no more Tae Bo until I can figure that out.  If you haven't experienced that joy of exercise, good for you.  For the rest of us, it is when the sheet of muscle on the sole of your foot decides it doesn't like you anymore and tries to retreat up your calf.  Not pleasant...and apparently doesn't respond well to bare feet, orthotic insoles or worn out tennis shoes.  I guess I have to shell out for some better shoes.

So instead of kickboxing I did another 20 on the elliptical, and found out another thing.  I did all 20 minutes on level 10 (extreeeeme!).  So I either have legs of titanium (doubtful...see previous post) or the batteries are wonky and don't control the resistance.  Add D batteries to my shopping list.

All in all, I think it's important to keep up the good work.  So what if my elliptical thinks I'm Wonder least something does ;-) 

By the way, I didn't mention earlier my extreme dislike for scales.  So I doubt I will be posting "weight loss" results.  I have a scale...I just don't like them.  Numbers are scary and my ability to fit in my clothes is a much better indicator of what level of fluffy I am at.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why am I starting this?

It's that time of year, when people get to thinking about new resolutions and all the changes they will have in their lives.  This year I am starting with exercise.  I intend to lose weight.  This year, like every other year.  What makes it different, is I actually started.

Now I don't care if anyone reads this blog.  All I care about is that if I hold myself accountible to just posting this, someone might see it and think about doing it too!

Now, this is not a weight loss blog, although I hope I lose weight.  This is not a diet blog, because I will not be doing on a "diet."  This is not an exercise blog, although I will be exercising.  This is about body acceptance, hence the title.  "Round is a shape."  People talk about being "in shape" like there is only one shape.  Well shapes come in many different styles, as any kindergardener can tell you... round, square, triangle, trapezoid, dodecahedron.  I hate that there is an idea that I have to look like an anorexic supermodel to be viewed as a "woman." 

Enough ranting for now though.  That said, I started this on day 2 of my program. I didn't do day 1 because I thought I might not be able to really get started, but now that I have gotten through, it's time to share.

To start, while I am not "dieting"  I am planning out meals for lunch and dinner so that I am not tempted to give in to the horrible choices of fast food.  If I plan meals, shopping is easier, and I will do almost anything to not have to go to the grocery store more than once a week.  Planned eating also means I save money, as I am not going to be spending on take-out and other junk.

Now to the exercise part.  Yesterday I did elliptical for 20 minutes, on the lowest intensity.  Today I stepped up to 20 minutes on Level 3 intensity.  Did both days without my legs falling off.  Good start.  The only side effect of this has been the inability to unclench my butt for about 15 minutes after finishing.  Not sure how I feel about that.

As for shape...still round.  As Gabriel Iglesias has said, "I'm not fat...I'm fluffy."  So I'm fluffy now, and hoping to lose some of that extra stuffing.